TFOS lifestyle reports summaries published
CORE's two-page patient handout with key messages from each of the TFOS Lifestyle Reports

TFOS lifestyle reports summaries published

November 15, 2023 Staff reporters

Spurred by increased clinical interest in the effects of lifestyle choices on the ocular surface, the Centre for Ocular Research & Education (CORE) has published summaries of the Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Lifestyle Reports to promote practitioner and patient knowledge.  


The World Health Organization recognised that eye problems can be a result of our lifestyle choices, said Professor Lyndon Jones, director of CORE and a member of the TFOS board of directors. “Multiple factors may affect the patient sitting in front of you and the TFOS Lifestyle Workshop was created to address how different aspects of our modern lifestyles can affect the health of the ocular surface. Our work to increase practitioner awareness of these issues will improve patients’ lives.” 


The reports address topics including the impact of contact lenses, mental health and the type of eye makeup patients are wearing. They also provide information on digital eye strain and digital device use, and discusses how food, beverages, and elective procedures can affect the integrity of the ocular surface.  


This issue’s clinical insight is a two-page patient handout providing take-home messages from each of the TFOS Lifestyle Reports. “This serves as a way for practitioners to open the conversation into how lifestyle impacts our eyes, empowering patients to take a proactive role in managing the health of their ocular surface,” said Prof Jones.  


Contact Lens Update issue 74 expands on the TFOS Lifestyle Reports published earlier this year. The issue is available free at